And, now the project has reached the next important milestone. So far I have the following building blocks:
The next important step of making autonomous FIDO2 Authenticator [/category/fido2] device is the power source. In general, I have two options - replaceable or rechargeable batteries.
Autonomous devices like URU Key [/category/fido2] require periodic measurement of the battery voltage. I am going to use very simple schematics and very simple algorithm to understand how much juice my battery has at the moment.
Previously [/2020/02/02/uru-key-esp32-fido2-authenticator/] I have built the single board device featuring all the main hardware components to implement FIDO2 Authenticator but without an autonomous power source. Today with the addition of a power board my project becomes a completed device.
I am happy to say that I'm finally done with the hardware design of the URU Key device.
I was some time since the last update on my URU Key project. However, the project did not stop, no.
While working on the side project URU Card [/tag/uru-card/] - the open-source authenticator device in the form-factor of a regular credit card - I have noticed that it is way more suitable for daily use. The device like this can be carried around simply in the wallet together with other credit cards. So, I have redesigned the URU Key in this format.
The last update on my FIDO2 project was more than a year ago. I was quite busy with work and other problems. However, the project did not stop.