Some time ago I was reading news and met a very interesting topic - password-less authentication. The idea is great: instead of remembering multiple passwords for the different websites one could use a special device called Authenticator which will cover all registration and authentication processes using modern cryptography and biometric technologies.
After a few weeks of waiting the postal service delivered the PCBs for the device prototype [/2019/10/14/esp32-authenticator-development-board/]. Usually, I order my boards from the JLCPCB manufacturer and the quality is very good, as always.
The next FIDO2 Authenticator project [/category/fido2/] update is dedicated to the ATECC508A cryptographic chip. I have taken some time and started to write a component library for operating the IC from ESP32 microcontroller.
And, now the project has reached the next important milestone. So far I have the following building blocks:
Previously [/2020/02/02/uru-key-esp32-fido2-authenticator/] I have built the single board device featuring all the main hardware components to implement FIDO2 Authenticator but without an autonomous power source. Today with the addition of a power board my project becomes a completed device.
I am happy to say that I'm finally done with the hardware design of the URU Key device.
I was some time since the last update on my URU Key project. However, the project did not stop, no.
After publishing the URU Key project people keep asking me to make it open source. I have tried to organize sources in a more readable way but I still think that plain C and ESP IDF are too difficult for the broad audience. And, unfortunately, the biometrics part is covered by NDA and can not be published.
This update was delayed due to summer holidays but it brings achievement of the very important milestone. Now we have a very minimal implementation of the FIDO2 authentication protocol on the Arduino framework. The simplicity of the Arduino platform and the availability of the hardware opens the door to secure authentication to everyone interested.
While working on the side project URU Card [/tag/uru-card/] - the open-source authenticator device in the form-factor of a regular credit card - I have noticed that it is way more suitable for daily use. The device like this can be carried around simply in the wallet together with other credit cards. So, I have redesigned the URU Key in this format.
The last update on my FIDO2 project was more than a year ago. I was quite busy with work and other problems. However, the project did not stop.