Articles tagged with “ble”

Some progress with FIDO2 Authenticator

Last (and previous) weekends I've spent on the real implementation of FIDO2 WebAuthN protocol. In reality, the problem is more deep and difficult than I was thinking before, so I have re-implemented the GATT server on Android to have higher-level language and libraries and better debugging capabilities.

URU Key - fully autonomous prototype

Previously [/2020/02/02/uru-key-esp32-fido2-authenticator/] I have built the single board device featuring all the main hardware components to implement FIDO2 Authenticator but without an autonomous power source. Today with the addition of a power board my project becomes a completed device.

URU Card - Arduino FIDO2 Authenticator

After publishing the URU Key project people keep asking me to make it open source. I have tried to organize sources in a more readable way but I still think that plain C and ESP IDF are too difficult for the broad audience. And, unfortunately, the biometrics part is covered by NDA and can not be published.

URU Card - minimal FIDO2 implementation with Arduino

This update was delayed due to summer holidays but it brings achievement of the very important milestone. Now we have a very minimal implementation of the FIDO2 authentication protocol on the Arduino framework. The simplicity of the Arduino platform and the availability of the hardware opens the door to secure authentication to everyone interested.

URU Card - the new PCB design

Recently I have received the new batch of PCBs for my URU Card [/2020/06/29/uru-card-arduino-fido2-authenticator/] device. Since I do not have a 3D printer and appropriate skills I am going to construct a hard shell using the stack of PCBs. This time I have chosen black colour for the boards as it comes in a nice matt finish.

The new form factor for the URU Key FIDO2 Authenticator

While working on the side project URU Card [/tag/uru-card/] - the open-source authenticator device in the form-factor of a regular credit card - I have noticed that it is way more suitable for daily use. The device like this can be carried around simply in the wallet together with other credit cards. So, I have redesigned the URU Key in this format.