Articles tagged with “fpc1020”

User Verification for WebAuthN

While working on FIDO2 Authenticator [/category/fido2/] device I came into an interesting problem - User Verification. At the moment it is implemented really simple - just a button connected to the IO0 port. However, anybody is able to push this button and therefore authenticate with the device. Then I came to the idea of adding some biometric authentication for the user.

FPC1020A* Fingerprint Scanners

It's quite some time since the last update about my awesome FIDO2 Authenticator project [/category/fido2/]. The project did not stop, no. The latest challenging point was the idea that I should not use the external biometric scanner with UART interface but make a built-in one. So, I have ordered a few more biometric scanner modules and, unfortunately, it took several weeks to deliver.

URU Key - fully autonomous prototype

Previously [/2020/02/02/uru-key-esp32-fido2-authenticator/] I have built the single board device featuring all the main hardware components to implement FIDO2 Authenticator but without an autonomous power source. Today with the addition of a power board my project becomes a completed device.

FPC1020 Fingerprint Scanner - detecting finger presence

After some disruption on hardware design, I have returned to writing driver for the FPC1020 fingerprint scanner [/2019/12/03/fpc1020-fingerprint-scanner/]. It's sad, but as I don't have complete documentation the process takes a significant amount of time and a lot of effort. To speed up the evaluation I started to write relevant code using C++ and Arduino Framework.

The new form factor for the URU Key FIDO2 Authenticator

While working on the side project URU Card [/tag/uru-card/] - the open-source authenticator device in the form-factor of a regular credit card - I have noticed that it is way more suitable for daily use. The device like this can be carried around simply in the wallet together with other credit cards. So, I have redesigned the URU Key in this format.