Carbon Dioxide Sensor CCS811
Recently I have purchased one more carbon dioxide sensor module — CJMCU-811. The module is built on a chip CCS811 by company ams.
According to the description, it can measure the concentration of carbon dioxide and volatile organics and intended to measure air quality indoors.
Of course, I am interested in comparison of this sensor to the MH-Z19B I have used before.
The CJMCU-811 costs about 8 euro which is about two times cheaper than MH-Z19B.
The connection is rather trivial. I connect the module to the WeMos with only five wires:
The datasheet says the new module should work for 48 hours to burn-in some internals allowing it to work stable.
As well the module can be used together with temperature and humidity sensor to improve the measurement quality.
There are a bunch of libraries for Arduino and PlatformIO. The firmware is very simple, taken from one of the examples:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h> // I2C library
#include "ccs811.h" // CCS811 library
// Wiring for ESP8266 NodeMCU boards: VDD to 3V3, GND to GND, SDA to D2, SCL to D1, nWAKE to D3 (or GND)
CCS811 ccs811(D3); // nWAKE on D3
void setup()
// Enable serial
// Enable I2C
// Enable CCS811
ccs811.set_i2cdelay(50); // Needed for ESP8266 because it doesn't handle I2C clock stretch correctly
bool ok = ccs811.begin();
if (!ok)
Serial.println("setup: CCS811 begin FAILED");
// Start measuring
ok = ccs811.start(CCS811_MODE_1SEC);
if (!ok)
Serial.println("setup: CCS811 start FAILED");
void loop()
// Read
uint16_t eco2, etvoc, errstat, raw;, &etvoc, &errstat, &raw);
// Print measurement results based on status
if (errstat == CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK)
Serial.print("CCS811: ");
else if (errstat == CCS811_ERRSTAT_OK_NODATA)
Serial.println("CCS811: waiting for (new) data");
else if (errstat & CCS811_ERRSTAT_I2CFAIL)
Serial.println("CCS811: I2C error");
else if (errstat & CCS811_ERRSTAT_ERRORS)
Serial.print("CCS811: errstat=");
Serial.print(errstat, HEX);
// Wait
First experiments show that sensor really returns some numbers and these numbers change when I breathe on it. As well this sensor reacts way faster than MH-Z19B.
Now I want to put both sensors aside and stream the data to a single graph. It's very interesting how accurate it is.
At the moment I see the following pros of the CJMCU-811 module:
- Small size
- 3.3V power supply
- Relatively cheap
- Communicates through the I2C interface
The cons I have found so far — one of two purchased modules did not work. I don't know if is it just coincidence or the overall quality of these modules is quite low.